Susan Leslie - Lady of Light
Save God's Special People - Our Pastors and Preachers
I received an e-mail with a petition stating that there is a Federal Hearing coming up in Washington, DC - Petition Number 2493, for which the people have gotten 287,000 signatures to remove Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, David Jeremial and other pastors from TV, the gospel from the air waves and Christmas carols and Christmas Programs from the schools.
Unfortunately, these e-mails with signatures, I am told, while they may be indicative of public opinion, don't hold any real legal clout. It is necessary for each of us to contact our own Senators or other legislators regarding this concern.
What I find difficult about this is that no one is forcing people to watch or listen to these things unless they choose to, so why do we have to have them removed?
There are people in the world who don't want to know about or hear about God's goodness. And, for some reason, they don't want others to know or hear about it either!
In the past, when we ignored certain people, we lost out on prayer in the schools. Naively, we didn't believe that the influence of other people could change things so drastically.
I, for one, appreciate the broadcasts and many of my friends do. My husband was having health problems and we couldn't get out to church very easily, so I looked forward to Charles Stanley and Joel Osteen every Sunday morning. Now, even when we go to church, we still listen to them beforehand.
I urge you to telephone, write letters and send e-mails and pray for those in authority to preserve these communications on TV, radio and the internet.
It only takes a minute to make a phone call, send an e-mail, say a prayer, or send a letter.
Let's all make a positive difference in this situation and show what the majority opinion is regarding this important political and spiritual issue.
Here is some information for Congressman Donald M. Payne of New Jersey:
Washington Office:
2310 Rayburn House Office Building; Washington, D.C> 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3436 Fax: (202)225-4160
District Offices:
50 Walnut Street, Room 1016
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 645-3213
Fax: (973) 645-5902
333 North Broad Street
Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208
Phone: (908) 629-0222
Fax: (908) 629-0221
253 Martin Luther King Drive
Jersey City, NJ 07102
Phone: (201) 369-0392
Fax: (201) 369-0395
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