Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meals on Wheels - A Piece of the Kennedy Legacy

By Lady of Light


With the recent passing of Senator Ted Kennedy, it is especially appropriate to do an article on "Meals on Wheels" due to the fact that it was part of Kennedy's Legacy. Prior to 1962, there was no "Meals on WHeels" program subsidized by the Federal government - Senator Ted Kennedy's voice in the Senate was instrumental in effecting the passage of this legislation.


From a historical perspective, "Meals on Wheels" started in Great Britain after the Blitz, in 1947.

Modern day programs began in Australia in 1952; the first program in the United States began in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1954 and the second in Columbus, Ohio; the third was in Rochester, New York in 1958. Canada implemented its progrram in 1965.

In 2007, the Meals on Wheels Association of America (MOWAA), a non-profit organization, headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, did a study on hunger of senior citizens. It was found that 5 million seniors had some "food insecurity" - 11.4% of all seniors. The findings of this study were released at a hearing of the US Senate Special Committee on Aging in March of 2008 in Washington, DC.

Although many programs are run on a County level, the Federal program subsidy allows that only a request for a donation may be given rather than charging a fee as some programs do.

My husband and I are seniors who volunteer with the program and I would encourage others to look into what they can do in this program and in general about the growing problem of hunger in our country.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tribute to Senator Ted Kennedy

Tribute to Senator Ted Kennedy
Lady of Light

Senator Ted Kennedy passed away last night at the age of 77. He left a legacy of advocating for health care, seniors, women, immigrants, the disabled and children.
Although he made mistakes in life, he persevered and lived out the scripture, "Look not on your own things, but also on the things of others."
I don't know that anyone can truly replace Senator Kennedy, but there will be someone filling the empty slot that he vacated upon his death.
We all need to think on the ideals of the "Liberal Lion" and to continue to forward those goals which will help people, especially those who have issues that need strong advocacy and representation.
Senator Kennedy, we will miss you and we know that you lived out that famous quote of your late brother, John Fitzgerald Kennedy "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country."
As my husband and I deliver "Meals on Wheels" this week, we will remember that it was a program that Senator Kennedy was instrumental in implementing the legislation for.
I offer prayers of comfort to his family and colleagues at this time and
I hope that this tragedy will cause everyone to take a look at their lives and to think about more ways to "make a difference" for God, our country and the people of our country.
Senator Kennedy, thank you for the wonderful job you did serving your country all of these years and for the inspiration and help you have given to others. You will be remembered as a significant figure throughout the history of the United States...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Inside the Prisons

Inside the Prisons - Lady of Light

It is so easy for us on the "outside" to forget that life goes on inside the prisons. Even in bible times, the apostle Paul and others were imprisoned.
The other day, the NY times printed an article about a man whose religious news from his mother was being censored to the point where it was "unreadable" and after several organizations and individuals got involved, he was able to receive this religious mail.

So I became aware of an organization called Christian Library International which is located in Raleigh, North Carolina that is transforming the lives of prisoners by sending donated books to chaplains of prisons for distribution. Apparently this has been very successful and they have been receiving many testimonials. This is good news that I thought worthy to share.

If you are doing fall cleaning and want to donate books or want to start a book drive, contact them on the web. There blog is at http://cli-nc.blogspot.com.

This is some news to make a difference. Have a great day!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pray that Good Decisions are Made About Healthcare

Lady of Light


Today, on NYTimes.com, I see that it is now being said that the public option in the Health Plan may be dropped. "For President Obama giving up on a public insurance plan could punch a hole in Republican arguments but could also alienate liberal Democrats."
It is a shame that when making important decisions for the people, so much has to be considered about parties and votes.
This morning, I was reading the book of Luke in the bible and, as you probably know God selected Luke, a physician to record that gospel. In Chapter 7, there is an account of a man who thought himself unworthy to come to Jesus to ask for his servant to be healed: "Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed." (Ch7:7) "When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him and turned him about and said unto the people that followed him, "I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Isreal"
And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole that had been sick"> (V. 10)

Consider, that there are those who are thought to be unworthy by some of health care because they don't have insurance or are elderly. If Jesus was willing to listen to a man who thought he was unworthy and to heal a servant, maybe we need to rethink
these health care decisions and provide something for everyone.

Although God still heals and does miracles today, it is our responsibility to do our part to maintain our health and the health of others.

Did any of the politicians or lawmakers, including Obama ask "What would Jesus

In Luke Chapter 7:21 it states: "In that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many thatt were blind he gave sight."

Do people have the means to go to those people who can care for them and heal them of diseases and infirmities? It is our responsibility to come up with a plan so they do.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

ALl of the Preachers Could Be Gone from TV!!

Susan Leslie - Lady of Light

Save God's Special People - Our Pastors and Preachers

I received an e-mail with a petition stating that there is a Federal Hearing coming up in Washington, DC - Petition Number 2493, for which the people have gotten 287,000 signatures to remove Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, Charles Stanley, David Jeremial and other pastors from TV, the gospel from the air waves and Christmas carols and Christmas Programs from the schools.

Unfortunately, these e-mails with signatures, I am told, while they may be indicative of public opinion, don't hold any real legal clout. It is necessary for each of us to contact our own Senators or other legislators regarding this concern.

What I find difficult about this is that no one is forcing people to watch or listen to these things unless they choose to, so why do we have to have them removed?
There are people in the world who don't want to know about or hear about God's goodness. And, for some reason, they don't want others to know or hear about it either!

In the past, when we ignored certain people, we lost out on prayer in the schools. Naively, we didn't believe that the influence of other people could change things so drastically.

I, for one, appreciate the broadcasts and many of my friends do. My husband was having health problems and we couldn't get out to church very easily, so I looked forward to Charles Stanley and Joel Osteen every Sunday morning. Now, even when we go to church, we still listen to them beforehand.

I urge you to telephone, write letters and send e-mails and pray for those in authority to preserve these communications on TV, radio and the internet.

It only takes a minute to make a phone call, send an e-mail, say a prayer, or send a letter.

Let's all make a positive difference in this situation and show what the majority opinion is regarding this important political and spiritual issue.

Here is some information for Congressman Donald M. Payne of New Jersey:

Washington Office:
2310 Rayburn House Office Building; Washington, D.C> 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3436 Fax: (202)225-4160

District Offices:
50 Walnut Street, Room 1016
Newark, NJ 07102
Phone: (973) 645-3213
Fax: (973) 645-5902

333 North Broad Street
Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208
Phone: (908) 629-0222
Fax: (908) 629-0221

253 Martin Luther King Drive
Jersey City, NJ 07102
Phone: (201) 369-0392
Fax: (201) 369-0395

WEBSITE: http://www.house.gov/payne