Thursday, August 28, 2014

Guns and Sharp Swords in the Hands of Young Children

The total shock of the horrific gun accident brings to mind the prophetic words of singer/songwriter Bob Dylan who wrote a song called "Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" back in 1962 and first performed it at a Hootenanny at Carnegie Hall organized by the late great Pete Seeger and was recorded on his second album "The Free-Wheelin' Bob Dylan":
  In these lyrics, the question is first asked "Where have you been my blue-eyed son? Then "What did you see my blue-eyed son?" In his answer, he says, "I SAW GUNS AND SHARP SWORDS IN THE HANDS OF YOUNG CHILDREN" and then the chorus proclaims "It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall."        
Speaking as a "Baby-boomer" looking back over 50 years, I remember that it was difficult at that time to envision what would happen in the future and to see what was really coming. As Tommy Christopher has recounted this current event of the accidental death of the gun instructor, there were " the hands of young children".

  Bob Dylan's "Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall" predicted this back in 1962. The message of this music portrays much of what is indicative of these times. This is only one example of how the expressions of the writings and songs of the 1960's was the "looking glass" of the "baby-boomers" and now be seen as a shocking reality.

The truth of the "Hard Rain" has arrived once again.                                               

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

MURDER THEME Lady of Light

Frankie and Johnny Were Lovers

The view of monogamy is not new, exclusive to Conservatives today, but can be found in the Old Testament of the bible where God speaks very directly about the "dos and don'ts" of life in the Ten Commandments. 

When Moses returned from the mountain with the ten tablets, one of them said. "Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery." (Deuteronomy 5:18)

The theme of murder with a weapon in a love triangle has been a common theme going back to 1901 with the song "Frankie and Johnny Were Lovers", which has been recorded by 256 different people.
In this instance, the man, Johnny, had a gun which the woman, Frankie got ahold of and shot him dead because she found out from the bartender at the local "watering hole" that her man Johnny had made love to another woman named Nellie Bly.

Hendrix's "Hey Joe" is definitely more current but in that case, it was a woman who was murdered for infidelity - both songs have one thing in common though - a loaded gun in the hands of an irrational person.

These "Crimes of Passion" would not necessarily have taken place if there weren't any guns handy.

As for this representing monogamy only, the murder arranged by King David in bible times to cover up his adulterous relationship with Bathsheba and to make it so that she could be added as "one of his wives" in a polygamous culture, indicates that even when monogamy is a value, polygamy was also a solution, but the adulterous love affair was the cause of an innocent man, Uriah. (2 Samuel 11:1-27J)

I wonder if  Norquist would feel the same way when the murder victims are men instead of women.

With the "double standard" in today's world and the second amendment in existence, it does seem as if Norquist thinks this is justifiable.

Even though the bible says, "Vengeance is mine thus saith the Lord," as human beings, sometimes things are taken in our own hands.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

THE MIRACLE OF WATER by Lady of Light June 23, 2014


Lady of Light June 23, 2014

 After viewing Tommy Christopher's film of the White House in Washington, DC, I was curious to know more about The Bill that was being signed by President Obama.

HR 3080 is primarily about WATER and flood prevention. I must confess that water is something that has always fascinated me-- 60% of our body is made up of water, and when we go back to the book of Genesis in the bible, we can also note that during Creation (Genesis, Chapter One), water covered the earth and was divided and separated to make land and sea:

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
...6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

In terms of what to do about flooding, there was no way to prevent it, but God spoke directly to Noah about this and warned him of the coming rain. Not only that, but Noah was also given specific instructions about what to do to preserve the animals, live creatures and his family during the duration of the storm and flood.

 In those days, there were no scientists to determine or show how high the waters would rise or how to measure so it would be possible to know how much the waters would recede so that the ark could be opened. Noah was again specifically instructed to release a dove from the ark and when the dove would return with an olive branch in its mouth, that would be the sign that the waters were receding and there would be land.

 There were no laws or bible to cover this experience back then, but one thing Noah and the modern world have in common is that when it rains, the consequences must be dealt with, and because we now have a boy of scientific knowledge, some preventative measures can be incorporated into our laws to guide us in how to minimize the damages.

H.R. 3080 consists of Amendments to increase the amount of funds given to projects of flood damage prevention in the River Harbor Act of 1960 and 1968, and the Flood Control Act of 1948, to name a few.

What are some of the benefits of H. R. 3080?

Tommy Christopher wisely stated that as a result of the increase in funding for various projects,, more jobs would be created and the infrastructure of our country would be strengthened.

 It was also the miracle of the "parting of the Red Sea" in the bible that saved the lives of the Jewish people and drowned their enemy, Pharoh's Army.

They didn't need an H. R. 3080 Bill to get things done in those days!